Changes In The Divorce Process

Divorce is never an easy experience no matter how friendly or broken a marriage is. It is a life changing event that requires a lot of sound decisions. No one is ever prepared for a divorce or looking forward to it. Therefore, it does require the assistant of the experts. Many years ago couples hired lawyers to divorce them in the hopes they were receiving what each thought was right. Unfortunately, in a divorce there is never everything right. It can be costly and if you are not ready to deal with it, it can be dreadful, emotionally and financially depleting.

Today, mediation has more recognition, although it has existed for thousands of years. We have begun to see more and more how mediation is the better solution to an inevitable divorce. Mediation is one of the changes that have taken place in the divorce process.

Another change has been taking into consideration what the couples want and can live with, rather than fighting a battle for belief systems that are not necessarily laws but rather guidelines. We have seen many changes in the past 20 years and now is no exception. Couples continue to divorce at alarming rates and both are forced by the setbacks and consequences of a divorce. Thankfully there is mediation assisting couples to make better decisions based on the family structure.

It is wise to mediate and expose your concerns to someone there to help you navigate through your choices, rather than two opposing lawyers.

Flexibility is a keyword when mediating. Exploring your options is important prior to making a decision. Mediation helps couples consider many of their issues and what would work for them as a family. Mediation is confidential and on your own time and budget. Therefore, you don’t have deadlines or consistent costly appointments. Once you have reached a settlement agreement you have the recommended option to have it reviewed by your lawyers or you have the right to divorce yourself. You can file with the courts and avoid the costly fees of a divorce. The option is yours so choose wisely.

We can’t change the fact that divorces will continue to take place however, we can change the way couples divorce and the high cost of divorcing due to a lack of knowledge or understanding. Divorce Mediation Resources a New Jersey-based company expanding to Arizona are dedicated to providing you with the information you need to proceed and to assisting you in drafting agreements that are best for your family. Providing you with options based on your specific situation. Advice is provided no matter what state you’re from however, State laws vary.